
ACT Study Guide




- - - - INSTRUCTIONS - - - -

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This program uses markup such as "++markup" and "markup++" to mark the beginning and end of each part. For example, to make changes to the tab names, change the text between "++ tab1" and "tab1 ++" as seen below the instructions. This will automatically change the tab name - after saving and reloading the page.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - Comprehensive list of markup (with extra space between “++” and name) - -

Instructions (hidden) -> ++ instructions example text instructions ++

First tab name (hidden) -> ++ tab1 example text tab1 ++

Second tab name (hidden) -> ++ tab2 example text tab2 ++

Link to pdf (hidden) -> ++ pdflink pdflink ++

Box with shadow behind -> ++ shadowBox example text shadowBox ++

Clickable title -> ++ title example text title ++

Hidden content below title -> ++ content example text content ++

pdf location -> ++ bookpdf example text bookpdf ++

Clickable FAQ question -> ++ question example text question ++

Auto-scroll FAQ answer -> ++ answer example text answer ++

Title for table -> ++ tableTitle example text tableTitle ++

Top line (to skip title) -> ++ tableTop example text tableTop ++

One 3-column row -> ++ tableRow example text tableRow ++

One 2-column row -> ++ table2Row example text table2Row ++

One 4-column row -> ++ table4Row example text table4Row ++

One item in table row -> ++ tableItem example text tableItem ++

One item without bottom -> ++ tableNoBottomItem example text tableNoBottomItem ++

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - Detailed instructions - - - -


To get the fastest url link, go to: “” It will automatically change to a different url. Copy and paste that new url between the "++ pdflink" and "pdflink ++" markup tags.

Slow link example -> '';

Fastest link example -> ''

To upload a new pdf, contact for help via or find out "how to open the link editor" in Squarespace

Updated 2021 - Squarespace: How to open the link editor - Instructions ->


Tables may be difficult to read because they can not contain line breaks (pressing the return key). This is because Squarespace inserts code at each line break that will make huge gaps in the table. For ease of reading, you can add line breaks while editing. But before saving, always REMOVE ALL LINE BREAKS. Keep one space around each markup tag.


If the 'Read More' button found at the bottom of each page is too high, don't use a normal Squarespace spacer block to make room. That's because Squarespace spacers don't appear in mobile mode. Instead, Use a Squarespace code block with the following code to give extra room:

Code Block Spacer -> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Please contact via with any questions

- - - - - - End of Instructions - - - - - - - -


++tab1Study Guidetab1++

++tab2the ACTtab2++


Overview and Information

++titleAbout the ACT Study Guidetitle++

++contentACT Prep Book 2021–2022 with Practice Tests gives you the edge you need to score higher on the ACT the first time!

  • Updated for the 2021 American College Testing exam

  • Quick but complete review of everything on the ACT test

  • Easy-to-understand examples, graphics,and information

  • Tons of ACT prep practice test questions to help you improve

  • Unique test tips and strategies revealed by real teachers and tutorscontent++

++titleLook Insidetitle++


++bookpdf bookpdf++


++titleAdditional Title Informationtitle++

++contentTitle: ACT Prep Book 2021–2022 with Practice Tests: Study Guide with Practice Questions for the American College Testing Exam

Release Date: August 19, 2020

Length: 200 pages

ISBN: 9781635307788content++




Have questions about the ACT exam? Click below to find the answers you need.

++tableTop tableTop++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Getting Ready tableItem++ ++tableItem Taking the Exam tableItem++ ++tableItem After the Exam tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem ++question What is the ACT? question++

++question How can I pass the ACT? question++

++question What’s on the ACT? question++

++question Is the ACT Writing required? question++ tableItem++ ++tableItem ++question Should I guess on the ACT? question++

++question How is the ACT Administered? question++

++question Can I use a calculator on the ACT? question++ tableItem++ ++tableItem ++questionHow is the ACT Scored?question++

++questionWhat is a good ACT score?question++ tableItem++ tableRow++

++answerWhat is the ACT?

The ACT is an achievement test designed to assess what you’ve learned in school. Universities will look at your ACT score to help determine if you’re ready to tackle college-level material. However, your test score won’t be the only thing that schools look at; they’ll also consider your high school transcript, letters of recommendations, and school activities. So, while the ACT exam is an important part of your college application, it’s only one part of the application process.answer++

++answerHow can I pass the ACT?

The best ACT prep book is one you will actually use. At Accepted, Inc., we believe the way to score high on your ACT test is to study. Get an ACT prep book today, and start practicing. Accepted, Inc., offers an ACT practice test online with purchase of our ACT study guide. Our ACT test prep includes specific materials for each section. You can focus on the subjects you need the most help with. For example, take an ACT reading practice test to find out what concepts you need to review.answer++

++answerWhat’s on the ACT?

The ACT consists of five sections: English, mathematics, reading, science, and writing. The first four sections are multiple-choice; the writing section requires you to write a short expository essay.answer++

++answer Is the ACT Writing required?

The writing section is optional and will not affect your composite score; however, some colleges will require a writing sample score. You should decide when you register for the test whether you want to take this portion.

++tableTitle ACT Content tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Concepts tableItem++ ++tableItem Number of Questions tableItem++ ++tableItem Time tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem English

identifying errors in basic grammar,
punctuation, usage, and style; rhetorical skills tableItem++ ++tableItem 75 questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 45 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Mathematics

performing calculations using numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, and basic
statistics tableItem++ ++tableItem 60 questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 60 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Reading

understanding and analyzing non-fiction and fiction passages; vocabulary in context tableItem++ ++tableItem 40 questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 35 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Science

interpreting scientific passages, experiments, and data tableItem++ ++tableItem 40 questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 35 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Writing

crafting a clear, well-written essay tableItem++ ++tableItem 1 prompt tableItem++ ++tableItem 40 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ answer++

++answerShould I guess on the ACT?

There is no penalty for incorrect answers.answer++

++answerHow is the ACT Administered?

The ACT is a paper-based test available at testing centers around the United States and the world. Refer to the ACT website for testing dates and sites.

On the day of your test, arrive early and be sure to bring proper identification and your admission ticket (which is emailed to you after you register). You are required to put away all personal belongings before the test begins. Cell phones and other electronic, photographic, recording, or listening devices are not permitted in the testing center at all. You are allowed pencils, erasers, and a four-function or scientific calculator on your desk during the test. For details on what to expect on testing day, refer to the ACT website.answer++

++answerCan I use a calculator on the ACT?

Calculators may only be used for the mathematics section. A watch that will not sound during the test is also allowed.answer++

++answerHow is the ACT Scored?

You’ll receive a point for every correctly answered multiple-choice question.answer++

++answerWhat is a good ACT score?

The number of correctly answered questions becomes your raw score, which is then scaled to a score from 1 to 36. Your composite score is the average of your scaled score on each of the four multiple-choice sections.

The writing section will not affect your composite score. Two graders will score your essay from 1 to 6 in four domains: ideas and analysis, development and support, organization, and language use and conventions. Your summed scores for each of these domains will be included on your score report. The graders’ scores will also be scaled to create an overall writing score from 1 to 36.answer++

Table Example 1

++answer Is the GED Math test hard?

The Mathematical Reasoning test assesses mastery of key fundamental math concepts. Rather than focusing on specific content, the GED math test focuses on reasoning skills and mathematical thinking. Prepare for mathematical content areas, specifically algebra, data analysis, and number sense. Questions will assess your ability to make sense of complex problems, use logical thinking to find solutions, recognize structure, and look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. You also will be evaluated on the precision of your mathematics.

++tableTitle Mathematical Reasoning tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Skills Assessed tableItem++ ++tableItem Topics tableItem++ ++tableItem Percentage of Exam* tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Understand key mathematical concepts tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableItem Quantitative problem-solving tableItem++ ++tableItem 45% tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Demonstrate skill and fluency with key math procedures tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Algebraic problem-solving tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem 55% tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Apply concepts to realistic situations tableItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ tableRow++

*Percentages are approximate. answer++

Table Example 2

++answer What’s on the TSI exam?

The TSI assesses reading comprehension, writing, and mathematical skills. The questions are aligned with the Texas College and Career Readiness Standards, and gauge your readiness to tackle college-level coursework. Because the test is computer adaptive, you will encounter more difficult topics as you continue to correctly answer questions on the test.

++tableTitle What’s on the TSI? ++tableTop tableTop++ Mathematics Assessment (approx. 20 questions) tableTitle++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Elementary algebra and functions tableItem++ ++tableItem Operations with algebraic expressions; linear equations, inequalities, and systems; word problems tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Intermediate algebra and functions tableItem++ ++tableItem Quadratic and polynomial equations, expressions, and functions; working with powers, roots, and radicals; rational and exponential expressions, equations, and functions tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Geometry and measurement tableItem++ ++tableItem Plane geometry; linear, area, and three-dimensional measurements; symmetry and transformations tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Data analysis, statistics, and probability tableItem++ ++tableItem Data interpretation, statistics, probability tableItem++ table2Row++ answer++

Table Example 3

++answer What’s on the TSI exam?

The TSI assesses reading comprehension, writing, and mathematical skills. The questions are aligned with the Texas College and Career Readiness Standards, and gauge your readiness to tackle college-level coursework. Because the test is computer adaptive, you will encounter more difficult topics as you continue to correctly answer questions on the test.

++tableTitle What’s on the TSI? ++tableTop tableTop++ Mathematics Assessment (approx. 20 questions) tableTitle++ ++table4Row ++tableItem Elementary algebra and functions tableItem++ ++tableItem Operations with algebraic expressions; linear equations, inequalities, and systems; word problems tableItem++ ++tableItem Operations with algebraic expressions; linear equations, inequalities, and systems; word problems tableItem++ ++tableItem Operations with algebraic expressions; linear equations, inequalities, and systems; word problems tableItem++ table4Row++ ++table4Row ++tableItem Elementary algebra and functions tableItem++ ++tableItem Operations with algebraic expressions; linear equations, inequalities, and systems; word problems tableItem++ ++tableItem Operations with algebraic expressions; linear equations, inequalities, and systems; word problems tableItem++ ++tableItem Operations with algebraic expressions; linear equations, inequalities, and systems; word problems tableItem++ table4Row++ answer++