CHSPE Study Guide
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- - Comprehensive list of markup (with extra space between “++” and name) - -
Instructions (hidden) -> ++ instructions example text instructions ++
First tab name (hidden) -> ++ tab1 example text tab1 ++
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One 4-column row -> ++ table4Row example text table4Row ++
One item in table row -> ++ tableItem example text tableItem ++
One item without bottom -> ++ tableNoBottomItem example text tableNoBottomItem ++
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++tab1Study Guidetab1++
++tab2the CHPSEtab2++
Overview and Information
++titleAbout the CHSPE Study Guidetitle++
++contentCHSPE Prep Book 2024-2025 includes everything you need to pass the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) the first time.
Quick review of the concepts covered on the CHSPE
Concept review questions in every chapter
2 Full Practice Tests with detailed answer explanations [1 inside + 1 online]
Tips and tricks from experienced educators
Access to online flash cards, cheat sheets, and morecontent++
++titleLook Insidetitle++
++bookpdf bookpdf++
++titleAdditional Title Information title++
++contentTitle: CHSPE Preparation Book 2024-2025: 550+ Practice Questions and CHSPE Test Review Study Guide
Release Date: October 9, 2023
Length: 223 pages
ISBN: 9781637983942content++

Have questions about the CHSPE exam? Click below to find the answers you need.
++tableTop tableTop++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Getting Ready tableItem++ ++tableItem Taking the Exam tableItem++ ++tableItem After the Exam tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem
++questionWhat is the CHSPE?question++
++questionHow is the CHSPE Administered?question++
tableItem++ ++tableItem
++questionWhat’s on the CHSPE?question++
tableItem++ ++tableItem
++questionHow is the CHSPE Scored?question++ tableItem++ tableRow++
++answerWhat is the CHSPE?
The California High School Proficiency Examination, or CHSPE, is a proficiency test in reading, writing, and mathematics. Candidates who pass the CHSPE are awarded a Certificate of Proficiency by the California State Board of Education. By law, the Certificate of Proficiency is equivalent to a high school diploma in the state of California. However, the Certificate of Proficiency may not be substituted for completing four years of high school coursework. Students who wish to go on to college or university studies must contact the admissions office of the school of their choice for details on admissions requirements. The Certificate of Proficiency may not be sufficient for admission in all cases.answer++
++answerHow is the CHSPE Administered?
The CHSPE is a pencil-and-paper test offered at a wide range of sites throughout California. To register for the CHSPE, visit the registration page. You may also register by mail using the CHSPE bulletin. Both methods require supporting documentation proving your age, eligibility, and any special accommodation requests, if applicable. Eligibility is determined by age and status in school. You may prove your eligibility by submitting a copy of your government-issued identification, or by having your school complete documentation. For details, please check the registration page.
Once you register, you will receive an Admission Ticket. If you register on the website, you will receive an electronic Admission Ticket. Those who register by mail will receive their Admission Ticket in the mail about three weeks later. Be sure that your name is correctly spelled on your Admission Ticket and that it matches your identification. You will need to bring your Admission Ticket and your identification to the testing site on test day. Some test centers will require other forms or documentation, so make sure to check with your test center in advance. No pens, pencils, erasers, printed or written materials, electronic devices or calculators are allowed.
A formula reference sheet will be provided for the math test. A calculator is not required, but you may bring a basic calculator that performs only arithmetic functions. Check in advance with your testing center for specific testing guidelines, including restrictions on dress and accessories. You may take the sections and subtests all on the same day or individually on separate days. There is no required order for completing the test. The CHSPE is offered three times a year. If you do not pass one subtest, you are not required to retake all of the tests—only the one you failed. You may retake the test as many times as you like.answer++
++answerWhat’s on the CHSPE?
The CHSPE has two sections: Mathematics and English Language Arts. Candidates are expected to be able to read closely, write clearly and edit and understand standard written English as it is used in context. They must also be able to solve quantitative and algebraic problems, understand geometry and probability, and analyze data. The test includes multiple-choice questions and one essay question.
The English Language Arts section is further divided into two subtests: the Language subtest, which focuses on grammar and mechanics, and includes the written essay; and the Reading subtest, which tests reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge.
You may take both sections in the same sitting, or you may take them on separate test dates. You may also take the English Language Arts subtests on different test dates. However, you must pay the full fee each time you test, even if you only take one section or subtest.
You will have three hours and thirty minutes to test. You will not be prompted to switch between sections; you must manage your time yourself.
++tableTitle Mathematics Section tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItemSkills Assessed tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Topics tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Number of Questions tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableTop tableTop++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Understand key mathematical concepts
Demonstrate skill and fluency with key math procedures
Understand patterns involving numbers, symbols, and geometric figures
Understand algebraic principles
Interpret data and understand probability
Understand plane and solid figures, spatial reasoning, and coordinate geometry tableItem++ ++tableItem Number sense and operations
Patterns, relationships, and algebra
Data, statistics, and probability
Geometry and measurement tableItem++ ++tableItem 50 tableItem++ tableRow++
++tableTitle English Language Arts Section tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItemSkills Assessed tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Topics tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Number of Questions tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableTitle Language Subtest tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Demonstrate correct grammar, mechanics, and usage (capitalization, punctuation) tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Language questions tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem 48 tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Demonstrate correct sentence structure tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Edit and understand the use of standard written English in context tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Essay tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem 1 tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Plan and organize writing tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Write clearly and persuasively tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableTitle Reading Subtest tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Read and analyze text closely tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Reading comprehension tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem 54 tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Inference skills tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Understand vocabulary (including synonyms and words with multiple meanings, and by using context clues) tableItem++ ++tableItem Vocabulary tableItem++ ++tableItem 30 tableItem++ tableRow++
TOTAL: 3 hours and 30 minutes (182 questions + 1 essay)
The English Language Arts section contains two subtests: Language and Reading. The Language subtest assesses your knowledge of standard English grammar, mechanics, and sentence structure. Be prepared to analyze sentences, searching for errors in capitalization, punctuation, and usage. You must also read short passages and identify errors in organization and sentence structure. The Reading subtest assesses your ability to understand a range of texts that can be found in both academic and workplace settings. The test includes literary and informational texts. You will be asked to identify details and make logical inferences from—as well as valid claims about—the texts. You will also be asked to define key vocabulary using context clues. The Mathematics section assesses mastery of key fundamental math concepts. The test also assesses reasoning skills and modes of thinking like estimation, communication and representation, and problem-solving. Prepare for content on patterns, relationships, and algebra; data analysis; geometry and measurement; and operations and number sense. Questions will assess your ability to make sense of complex problems, use logical thinking to find solutions, recognize structure, and look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. You will also be evaluated on the precision of your mathematics.
A formula sheet will be provided to you for the Mathematics section. You may bring a calculator if you wish. It must be a basic, non-programmable, nonscientific calculator. Acceptable calculators have twenty-five or fewer buttons. They perform only the standard mathematical functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Square root, sign change, and percentage features are also acceptable. Check the CHSPE bulletin for the most current information on permissible calculators.answer++
++answerHow is the CHSPE Scored?
Each multiple-choice question is worth one raw point. The essay is scored on a scale from one to five. One is the lowest and five is the highest. Two scorers will read and score your essay; your final score is the average of their scores. Your raw score (the number of multiple-choice questions you answer correctly) is converted into a scaled score. The scaled scores range from 250 to 450. To pass the Mathematics section, you must earn a score of 350 or higher. To pass the English Language Arts section, you must pass both the Reading and Language subtests. To pass the Reading subtest, you must earn a score of 350 or higher. To pass the Language subtest, you must earn one of the following combinations of scores on your essay and multiple-choice questions:
If you score a 2 or lower on the essay, there is no way to pass the subtest.
If you score a 2.5 on the essay, you must score at least 365 on the multiple-choice questions.
If you score a 3 on the essay, you must score at least 350 on the multiple-choice questions.
If you score a 3.5 or higher on the essay, you must score at least 342 on the multiple-choice questions.
Each test is scored independently, and points from one test cannot affect the point value of another. There is no guessing penalty on the CHSPE, so you should always guess if you do not know the answer to a question. You will be able to view your unofficial CHSPE scores online approximately one month after you test. You will receive your official CHSPE scores by mail approximately five weeks after you test. If you pass both sections of the test, you will also receive your Certificate of Proficiency at that time.answer++