HiSET Preparation Book
HiSET Preparation Book
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- - Comprehensive list of markup (with extra space between “++” and name) - -
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One item in table row -> ++ tableItem example text tableItem ++
One item without bottom -> ++ tableNoBottomItem example text tableNoBottomItem ++
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++tab1Study Guidetab1++
++tab2HiSET All Subjectstab2++
Overview and Information
++titleAbout the HiSET Preparation Booktitle++
++contentHiSET Prep Book 2024-2025 includes everything you need to pass the High School Equivalency Test the first time.
Quick review of the concepts covered on the HiSET
2 FULL practice tests with detailed answer explanations
Chapter review questions and knowledge checks throughout
Tips and tricks from experienced educators
Access to online flash cards, cheat sheets, and morecontent++
++titleLook Insidetitle++
++bookpdf bookpdf++
++titleAdditional Title Information title++
++contentTitle: HiSET Prep Book 2024-2025: 2 Practice Tests and HiSET Study Guide for All Subjects [4th Edition]
Release Date: October 4, 2024
Length: 434 pages
ISBN: 9781637989166content++

Have questions about the HiSET exam? Click below to find the answers you need.
++tableTop tableTop++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Getting Ready tableItem++ ++tableItem Taking the Exam tableItem++ ++tableItem After the Exam tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem
++questionWhat is the HiSET?question++
++questionHow is the HiSET Administered?question++ tableItem++ ++tableItem
++questionWhat’s on the HiSET?question++ tableItem++ ++tableItem
++questionHow is the HiSET Scored?question++ tableItem++ tableRow++
++answerWhat is the HiSET?
The High School Equivalency Test—HiSET—exam is offered by ETS (Educational Testing Services). As its name suggests, the HiSET is a high school equivalency test; successful candidates will receive their High School Equivalency, or HSE. Twenty-three states and five US territories currently offer the HiSET. You may take the HiSET in English or in Spanish; this book prepares candidates for the English version.
The HiSET is an exam composed of five subject tests. It certifies that the test-taker has high school level academic skills in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. The five subject tests can be taken together or separately, but you must pass all five tests in order to pass the exam overall. Once a test-taker passes the exam, then that person becomes eligible to receive their HSE, which can be used in job applications or in applying to colleges or universities. The HiSET is specifically designed for individuals who did not complete high school, no matter the reason.answer++
++answerHow is the HiSET Administered?
The HiSET exam is offered in both computer-based and pencil-and-paper formats. To find a test center near you, check with ETS.
You will need to print your registration ticket from your online account and bring it, along with photo identification, to the testing site on test day. Some test centers will require other forms or documentation, so make sure to check with your test center in advance. No pens, pencils, erasers, printed or written materials, electronic devices or calculators are allowed. An on-screen calculator will be provided to you at the time of the test (or a handheld one if you are taking the test in a paper format). You will also receive scratch paper. Check in advance with your testing center for specific testing guidelines, including restrictions on dress and accessories.
You may take all the tests that compose the HiSET on the same day or individually on separate days. You will have scheduled breaks if you take more than one test on the same day. There is no required order for completing the tests. Certain jurisdictions may apply limits to the amount of time available for completing all five tests.
You may retake a test up to three times in a year. If you do not pass one test, you are not required to retake all the tests—only the one you failed.answer++
++answerWhat’s on the HiSET?
The HiSET gauges high school level content knowledge and skills in five areas: Language Arts—Reading, Language Arts—Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. On the English-language version of the test, candidates are expected to be able to read closely, write clearly, edit and understand standard written English as it is used in context, and solve quantitative and algebraic problems. You must also demonstrate strong comprehension and analysis of sources from life science, physical science, and Earth and space science as well as civics and government, history, geography, and economics. All questions are multiple choice; the Language Arts—Writing test includes an additional essay question.
Each subject test is taken separately. You must complete one subject test before moving on to the next. You will have 65 minutes for the Language Arts—Reading test, 120 minutes for the Language Arts—Writing test, 90 minutes for the Mathematics test, 80 minutes for the Science test, and 70 minutes for the Social Studies test. Bear in mind that the time may be different for the Spanish version of the HiSET.
The Language Arts—Reading test assesses your ability to understand a range of texts that can be found in both academic and workplace settings. The test includes literary and informational texts varying in length from 400 to 600 words. You will be asked to identify details and make logical inferences from—as well as valid claims about—the texts. You also will be asked to define key vocabulary and use textual evidence to analyze the texts in your own words in the form of a written response.
++tableTitle Language Arts - Reading Test tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Topics tableItem++++tableItem Percentage of Test tableItem++++tableItem Skills Assessed tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Informational texts tableItem++ ++tableItem 60% of reading test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Read closely tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Literary texts tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem 40% of reading test tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Understand key concepts tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Distinguish main idea, supporting ideas, inferences tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem tableItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ ++tableItem Understand vocabulary in context tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Total tableItem++ ++tableItem 50 multiple-choice questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 65 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++
The Language Arts—Writing test will ask you to revise excerpts of text. The multiple-choice questions will test your ability to recognize mechanical and grammatical errors such as those in subject-verb agreement, pronoun agreement, sentence structure, and punctuation. Anticipate questions about reorganizing paragraphs and choosing words for optimal coherence and clarity. For the essay question, you will read two written excerpts about an issue, develop a position on it, and argue your point of view. The essay is a chance for you to demonstrate your ability to form and present your ideas in an organized piece of writing.
++tableTitle Language Arts - Writing Test tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Topics tableItem++++tableItem Percentage of Test tableItem++++tableItem Skills Assessed tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Language facility tableItem++ ++tableItem 43% of writing test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Write with precision and organization tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Conventions of writing tableItem++ ++tableItem 35% of writing test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Use appropriate style, tone, and idioms tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Organization of ideas tableItem++ ++tableItem 22% of writing test tableItem++ ++tableItem Recognize and use correct grammar, mechanics, and sentence structure tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Total tableItem++ ++tableItem 60 multiple-choice questions
1 essay question tableItem++ ++tableItem 120 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++
The Mathematics test assesses mastery of key fundamental math concepts. The test focuses on reasoning skills and modes of thinking that can be used in a variety of mathematical content areas, specifically algebra, data analysis, geometry, and number sense. Questions will assess your ability to make sense of complex problems, use logical thinking to find solutions, recognize structure, and look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. You also will be evaluated on the precision of your mathematics. The test center will provide a calculator.
++tableTitle Mathematics Test tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Topics tableItem++++tableItem Percentage of Test tableItem++++tableItem Skills Assessed tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Algebraic concepts tableItem++ ++tableItem 45% of math test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Understand key mathematical concepts tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Numbers and operations tableItem++ ++tableItem 19% of math test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Demonstrate skill and fluency with key math procedures tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Measurement and geometry tableItem++ ++tableItem 18% of math test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Apply concepts to realistic situations tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Data analysis, probability, and statistics tableItem++ ++tableItem 18% of math test tableItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Total tableItem++ ++tableItem 55 multiple-choice questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 90 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++
The Science test assesses your mastery of scientific content in life science, physical science and Earth and space science, as well as your ability to apply scientific reasoning. Questions will ask you to interpret materials like charts, graphs, tables, and short textual excerpts. Material covered may include biology, chemistry, physics, health, astronomy, ecology, zoology, and botany. Prepare to evaluate the quality of research design, research questions, procedures, and conclusions. You may also be asked to analyze assumptions, hypotheses, and observations or distinguish among them.
++tableTitle Science Test tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Topics tableItem++++tableItem Percentage of Test tableItem++++tableItem Skills Assessed tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Life science tableItem++ ++tableItem 49% of science test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Use scientific reasoning (textually and quantitatively) tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Physical science tableItem++ ++tableItem 28% of science test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Apply scientific reasoning to realistic situations tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Earth and space science tableItem++ ++tableItem 23% of science test tableItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Total tableItem++ ++tableItem 60 multiple-choice questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 80 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++
The Social Studies test assesses your mastery of social studies concepts and skills. The primary focus of the test is on history—primarily US history—and American civics and government. Geography and economics are supplementary. As on the Science test, questions will ask you to interpret short textual excerpts, maps, graphs, tables, pictures, and other materials. You don’t need to worry about memorizing dates and names. Instead, prepare to analyze sources and judge their validity, understand the difference between fact and opinion, and gauge the reliability of conclusions. Be familiar with historical trends and economic and geographic terminology.
++tableTitle Social Studies Test tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Topics tableItem++++tableItem Percentage of Test tableItem++++tableItem Skills Assessed tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem History tableItem++ ++tableItem 35% of social studies test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Textual analysis tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Civics/Government tableItem++ ++tableItem 35% of social studies test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Data representation tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Economics tableItem++ ++tableItem 20% of social studies test tableItem++ ++tableNoBottomItem Inference skills tableNoBottomItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Geography tableItem++ ++tableItem 10% of social studies test tableItem++ ++tableItem Problem-solving using social studies content tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Total tableItem++ ++tableItem 60 multiple-choice questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 70 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++
++answerHow is the HiSET Scored?
Different states have different criteria for passing the HiSET. The most common criteria are found below:
A candidate must score 8 out of 20 on each subtest AND
A candidate must score 2 out of 6 AND
A candidate must achieve on all five subtests a total scaled score of 45 out of 100.
Your raw score is simply the number of questions you answer correctly. The number of questions varies among subtests. There are 50 raw score points on the Language Arts—Reading subtest, 60 on the Language Arts—Writing subtest (excluding the essay), 55 on the Mathematics subtest, 60 on the Science subtest, and 60 on the Social Studies exam. A candidate who answers 50 questions correctly on the Social Studies subtest, for instance, will have a raw score of 50 on that subtest.
For each subtest, the total number of raw points earned is then scaled to a score between 1 and 20. You must earn at least 8 on each subtest scaled score points to qualify for your high school equivalency.
The essay on the Language Arts—Writing subtest is scored on four traits: development of ideas or position, organization and structure, conventions of writing (grammar and mechanics), and language facility (word choice and expression). Essays receive a score from 1 to 6 based on these traits.
Each test is scored independently, and points from one test cannot affect the point value of another. You must pass each subject test in order to qualify for your high school equivalency credential.
There is no guessing penalty on the HiSET exam, so you should always guess if you do not know the answer to a question. You might get the answer right!
If you take the computer-administered version of the HiSET, you will receive your unofficial scores immediately after completing the exam for all subtests except for the Language Arts—Writing test. You can expect to receive your official scores within three business days except for the essay. The essay score is generally available within five business days. If you take the pencil-and-paper version of the HiSET, you will wait longer to receive your scores, depending on how long it takes your test center to contact ETS. You can view your official scores through your HiSET account; you will not receive them by mail.answer++