HSPT Prep Book


HSPT Prep Book




- - - - INSTRUCTIONS - - - -

Instructional Pdf is available at the url: ...com/s/instructions.pdf

For help, contact via https://baepsae.us or continue reading below for a brief summary.

This program uses markup such as "++markup" and "markup++" to mark the beginning and end of each part. For example, to make changes to the tab names, change the text between "++ tab1" and "tab1 ++" as seen below the instructions. This will automatically change the tab name - after saving and reloading the page.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - Comprehensive list of markup (with extra space between “++” and name) - -

Instructions (hidden) -> ++ instructions example text instructions ++

First tab name (hidden) -> ++ tab1 example text tab1 ++

Second tab name (hidden) -> ++ tab2 example text tab2 ++

Link to pdf (hidden) -> ++ pdflink example.com pdflink ++

Box with shadow behind -> ++ shadowBox example text shadowBox ++

Clickable title -> ++ title example text title ++

Hidden content below title -> ++ content example text content ++

pdf location -> ++ bookpdf example text bookpdf ++

Clickable FAQ question -> ++ question example text question ++

Auto-scroll FAQ answer -> ++ answer example text answer ++

Title for table -> ++ tableTitle example text tableTitle ++

Top line (to skip title) -> ++ tableTop example text tableTop ++

One 3-column row -> ++ tableRow example text tableRow ++

One 2-column row -> ++ table2Row example text table2Row ++

One 4-column row -> ++ table4Row example text table4Row ++

One item in table row -> ++ tableItem example text tableItem ++

One item without bottom -> ++ tableNoBottomItem example text tableNoBottomItem ++

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - Detailed instructions - - - -


To get the fastest url link, go to: “acceptedinc.com/s/book_name_look_inside.pdf” It will automatically change to a different url. Copy and paste that new url between the "++ pdflink" and "pdflink ++" markup tags.

Slow link example -> 'https://acceptedinc.com/s/CLEP_biology_look_inside.pdf';

Fastest link example -> 'https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f7dcd5cf39b1d49d213d567/t/5fdc6ea8ef3da3664b201c58/1608281770980/CLEP_biology_look_inside.pdf'

To upload a new pdf, contact for help via https://baepsae.us or find out "how to open the link editor" in Squarespace

Updated 2021 - Squarespace: How to open the link editor - Instructions -> https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/205813928-Uploading-and-managing-files#toc-open-a-link-editor


Tables may be difficult to read because they can not contain line breaks (pressing the return key). This is because Squarespace inserts code at each line break that will make huge gaps in the table. For ease of reading, you can add line breaks while editing. But before saving, always REMOVE ALL LINE BREAKS. Keep one space around each markup tag.


If the 'Read More' button found at the bottom of each page is too high, don't use a normal Squarespace spacer block to make room. That's because Squarespace spacers don't appear in mobile mode. Instead, Use a Squarespace code block with the following code to give extra room:

Code Block Spacer -> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Please contact via https://baepsae.us with any questions

- - - - - - End of Instructions - - - - - - - -


++tab1Study Guidetab1++

++tab2HSPT All Subjectstab2++


Overview and Information

++titleAbout the HSPT Preparation Booktitle++

++contentHSPT Prep Book 2024-2025 includes everything you need to pass the Catholic High School Placement Test the first time.

  • Quick review of the concepts covered on the HSPT exam

  • 2 full practice tests with detailed answer explanations

  • Tips and tricks from experienced educators

Accepted, Inc.’s HSPT Prep Book 2024-2025 is aligned with the official HSPT exam framework. Topics covered include:

  • Verbal Skills

  • Reading

  • Language Skills

  • Mathematicscontent++

++titleLook Insidetitle++


++bookpdf bookpdf++


++titleAdditional Title Information title++

++contentTitle: HSPT Prep Book 2024-2025: 700+ Practice Questions and Study Guide for the Catholic High School Placement Test

Release Date: October 8, 2023

Length: 232 pages

ISBN: 9781637987735content++



Have questions about the HSPT exam? Click below to find the answers you need.

++tableTop tableTop++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Getting Ready tableItem++ ++tableItem Taking the Exam tableItem++ ++tableItem After the Exam tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem

++questionWhat is the HSPT?question++

++questionWhen is the HSPT Administered?question++

++questionHow do I register for the HSPT? question++ tableItem++ ++tableItem

++questionHow many questions are on the HSPT?question++

++questionHow long is the HSPT? question++

++question What’s on the HSPT? question++

++questionShould I guess on the HSPT? question++ tableItem++ ++tableItem

++questionWhat’s a good score on the HSPT?question++ tableItem++ tableRow++

++answerWhat is the HSPT?

The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is an entrance exam for students seeking admission into Catholic high schools. It was developed by the Scholastic Testing Service.

The HSPT  is used around the United States to determine a student’s skill level and potential in reading, math, and verbal and quantitative reasoning.answer++

++answerWhen is the HSPT Administered? 

The HSPT is administered to eighth-grade students in December and January.answer++

++answerHow do I register for the HSPT? 

To register for the HSPT, sign up online through your local archdiocese or call the admissions office of your preferred testing site.answer++

++answerHow many questions are on the HSPT? 

There are 298 multiple-choice questions on the HSPT.answer++

++answerHow long is the HSPT? 

The HSPT is 2 hours and 21 minutes long (141 minutes).answer++

++answerWhat’s on the HSPT?

There are five sections on the HSPT: Verbal Skills, Quantitative Skills, Reading, Mathematics, and Language Skills.

++tableTitle What’s on the HSPT? tableTitle++ ++table4Row ++tableItem Section tableItem++ ++tableItem Topics tableItem++ ++tableItem Number of Questions tableItem++ ++tableItem Number of Minutes tableItem++ table4Row++ ++table4Row ++tableItem Verbal SkillstableItem++ ++tableItem reasoning with words, verbal aptitude, vocabulary skills tableItem++ ++tableItem 60 multiple choice

17 verbal classification

12 synonyms

10 analogies

12 logic

9 antonyms tableItem++ ++tableItem 16 tableItem++ table4Row++ ++table4Row ++tableItem Quantitative SkillstableItem++ ++tableItem reasoning with numbers and quantitiestableItem++ ++tableItem 52 multiple choice

25 sequence

10 reasoning

9 geometric comparison

8 nongeometric comparison tableItem++ ++tableItem 30 tableItem++ table4Row++ ++table4Row ++tableItem Reading tableItem++ ++tableItem identifying and understanding main ideas and supporting details, drawing inferences, vocabulary in context, author’s purpose and tone tableItem++ ++tableItem 62 multiple choice

40 comprehension

22 vocabulary

tableItem++ ++tableItem 25 tableItem++ table4Row++ ++table4Row ++tableItem Mathematics tableItem++ ++tableItem numbers and operations, algebraic patterns, data analysis, probability, statistics, geometry, measurement tableItem++ ++tableItem 64 multiple choice

33 numbers and numeration

4 measurements

15 geometry

5 algebra

7 statistics and probability tableItem++ ++tableItem 45 tableItem++ table4Row++ ++table4Row ++tableItem Language Skills tableItem++ ++tableItem punctuation, spelling, capitalization, usage, grammar tableItem++ ++tableItem 60 multiple choice

15 incorrect usage

5 correct usage

17 punctuation

3 capitalization

10 spelling

10 composition tableItem++ ++tableItem 25 tableItem++ table4Row++ ++table4Row ++tableItem TOTAL tableItem++ ++tableItem tableItem++ ++tableItem 298 multiple-choice questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 2 hours and 21 minutes

(141 minutes)tableItem++ table4Row++ answer++

++answerShould I guess on the HSPT?

On the HSPT, no points are deducted for incorrect answers, so you should always guess even if you don’t know the answer to a question.answer++

++answerWhat’s a good score on the HSPT?

You cannot pass or fail the HSPT. You will receive a score report with your Standard Score and your Cognitive Skills Quotient.

Your Standard Score (SS) is determined by finding your raw score, which is simply the number of questions you answered correctly on the test. That number is scaled to a score from 200 – 800. 

  • The more questions you answer correctly, the closer your SS will be to 800.

  • You will also receive a SS for each subject individually.

Your Cognitive Skills Quotient (CSQ) is measured only from the Verbal Skills and Quantitative Reasoning questions.

  • The CSQ is a measure of your reasoning and cognitive abilities and factors in a student’s age.

  • CSQ scores range from 70 – 130.

The HSPT also offers percentile ranking information that shows how your scores compare to the scores of other students who took the exam.

  • The National Percentile (NP) rank indicates how your score compares to the scores of other test-takers around the country.

  • The Local Percentile (LP) rank compares your score to the scores of other test-takers in your state or region.

The HSPT score report also includes grade equivalents (GE), which show how well you do in a subject compared to students in other grade levels.answer++