SAT Study Guide
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- - Comprehensive list of markup (with extra space between “++” and name) - -
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Link to pdf (hidden) -> ++ pdflink pdflink ++
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One item in table row -> ++ tableItem example text tableItem ++
One item without bottom -> ++ tableNoBottomItem example text tableNoBottomItem ++
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++tab1Study Guidetab1++
++tab2the SATtab2++
Overview and Information
++titleAbout the SAT Study Guidetitle++
++contentDigital SAT Prep Book includes everything you need to pass the SAT exam the first time.
Quick review of the concepts covered on the SAT exam
Concept review questions in every chapter
2 Full practice tests with detailed answer explanations [1 in book + 1 online]
Tips and tricks from experienced educators
Access to online flash cards, cheat sheets, and more
Accepted, Inc.’s SAT Prep Book is aligned with the official SAT exam frameworkcontent++
++titleLook Insidetitle++
++bookpdf bookpdf++
++titleAdditional Title Information title++
++contentTitle: Digital SAT Prep Book 2024-2025: 2 Practice Tests and SAT Study Guide
Release Date: July 6, 2024
Length: 195 pages
ISBN: 978-1637985779content++

Have questions about the SAT exam? Click below to find the answers you need.
++tableTop tableTop++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Getting Ready tableItem++ ++tableItem Taking the Exam tableItem++ ++tableItem After the Exam tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem
++questionWhat is the SAT?question++
++questionWhat is the SAT used for?question++
++questionWhat does SAT mean?question++
++questionHow do I study for the SAT?question++
++questionHow is the SAT Administered?question++
++questionHow do I register for the SAT?question++
tableItem++ ++tableItem
++questionWhat’s on the SAT?question++
++questionHow long is the SAT?question++
++questionCan you use a calculator on the SAT?question++
++questionShould you guess on the SAT?question++
tableItem++ ++tableItem
++questionHow is the SAT Scored?question++
++questionWhat’s a good SAT score?question++
++questionDo I need the SAT essay?question++
++questionCan I send my SAT scores to colleges?question++ tableItem++ tableRow++
++answerWhat is the SAT?
The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is an achievement test designed to assess what you’ve learned in school.answer++
++answerWhat is the SAT used for?
Universities will look at your SAT score to help determine if you’re ready to tackle college-level material. However, your test score won’t be the only thing that schools look at; they’ll also consider your high school transcript, letters of recommendation, and school activities. So, while the SAT is an important part of your college application, it’s only one part of the application process.answer++
++answerWhat does SAT mean?
SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test.answer++
++answerHow do I study for the SAT?
The best way to score high on your SAT exam is to study. Get as much SAT practice as you can. Accepted, Inc., offers an online SAT practice test with purchase of our SAT study guide. Our SAT prep book also contains a practice SAT test.answer++
++answerHow is the SAT Administered?
The SAT is a pencil-and-paper test offered at a range of schools and testing centers.
On the day of your test, arrive early and be sure to bring proper identification and your admission ticket. You are required to put away all personal belongings before the test begins. Cell phones and other electronic, photographic, recording, or listening devices are not permitted in the testing center at all.
You are allowed pencils, erasers, and a four-function or scientific calculator on your desk during the test. Calculators may only be used during the designated mathematics section. A watch that will not sound during the test is also allowed. For more details on what to expect on testing day, refer to the College Board website.answer++
++answerHow do I register for the SAT?
The test is offered six times a year, and you must register for the test by the deadline (usually one month before the test date). When registering, you will have to decide whether you want to take the exam with or without the essay. Check with your desired colleges about their application requirements; some institutions prefer or even require the essay section. You can register for the SAT online at the College Board SAT website. There is no limit on how many times you can take the test.answer++
++answerWhat’s on the SAT?
The SAT consists of four sections: Reading, Writing and Language, Mathematics, and an optional essay.
The Mathematics section is further broken down into two parts: one that’s taken with a calculator and one taken without. You will have a reference sheet with common formulas for each math test.
The Reading and Writing sections include only multiple-choice questions, while the Mathematics section includes multiple-choice and grid-ins.answer++
++answerHow long is the SAT?
Each test section has a time limit (as specified in the following table), for a total of 154 questions and three hours of testing. If you choose to take the optional essay, you’ll write a short expository essay and the test will be extended by fifty minutes.
++tableTitle What’s on the SAT? tableTitle++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Concepts tableItem++++tableItem Number of Questions tableItem++++tableItem Time tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItemReading
understanding and analyzing nonfiction and fiction passages; interpreting graphs and charts; vocabulary in contexttableItem++ ++tableItem 52 questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 65 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Writing and Language
identifying errors in basic grammar, punctuation, usage, and style; rhetorical skills tableItem++ ++tableItem 44 questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 35 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableNoBottomItem Mathematics tableNoBottomItem++ ++tableItem 20 questions (without calculator) tableItem++ ++tableItem 25 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem mathematical reasoning and performing calculations using algebra, geometry, and basic statistics tableItem++ ++tableItem 38 questions (with calculator) tableItem++ ++tableItem 55 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Essay (optional)
analyze and discuss the argument in a passage tableItem++ ++tableItem 1 prompt tableItem++ ++tableItem 50 minutes tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Total tableItem++ ++tableItem 154 questions tableItem++ ++tableItem 3 hours (+50 minutes with essay) tableItem++ tableRow++ answer++
++answerCan you use a calculator on the SAT?
You may use a four-function or scientific calculator for the calculator portion of the test. Calculators may only be used during the designated mathematics section.answer++
++answerShould you guess on the SAT?
There is no guess penalty, meaning there is no penalty for choosing an incorrect answer. So be sure to guess if you do not know the answer to a question; you might get it right!answer++
++answerHow is the SAT Scored?
Your scores for the Reading Test and the Writing and Language Test will be combined to one quantity called “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing.”
Each question on the SAT is worth one point. The total number of questions you answer correctly is your raw score. This score will then be scaled from 200 – 800. You’ll receive a single score between 200 and 800 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and another score for the Mathematics section.answer++
++answerWhat’s a good SAT score?
The combined (or composite) score for all three sections will range from 400 – 1600. The essay is scored separately by two graders on a scale of 1 – 4, for a total score of 2 – 8.answer++
++answerDo I need the SAT essay?
Although the essay is optional, some colleges may recommend or require a score for this section.answer++
++answerCan I send my SAT scores to colleges?
When you register for the test, you can choose which schools you want to receive your scores; you can also wait until after you receive your scores to have them sent to schools. If you take the test multiple times, you’ll also be able to pick the scores from a particular date to send (although you cannot pick individual sections from multiple testing dates).answer++