TSI Study Guide
- - - - INSTRUCTIONS - - - -
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- - Comprehensive list of markup (with extra space between “++” and name) - -
Instructions (hidden) -> ++ instructions example text instructions ++
First tab name (hidden) -> ++ tab1 example text tab1 ++
Second tab name (hidden) -> ++ tab2 example text tab2 ++
Link to pdf (hidden) -> ++ pdflink example.com pdflink ++
Box with shadow behind -> ++ shadowBox example text shadowBox ++
Clickable title -> ++ title example text title ++
Hidden content below title -> ++ content example text content ++
pdf location -> ++ bookpdf example text bookpdf ++
Clickable FAQ question -> ++ question example text question ++
Auto-scroll FAQ answer -> ++ answer example text answer ++
Title for table -> ++ tableTitle example text tableTitle ++
Top line (to skip title) -> ++ tableTop example text tableTop ++
One 3-column row -> ++ tableRow example text tableRow ++
One 2-column row -> ++ table2Row example text table2Row ++
One 4-column row -> ++ table4Row example text table4Row ++
One item in table row -> ++ tableItem example text tableItem ++
One item without bottom -> ++ tableNoBottomItem example text tableNoBottomItem ++
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- - - - - Detailed instructions - - - -
To get the fastest url link, go to: “acceptedinc.com/s/book_name_look_inside.pdf” It will automatically change to a different url. Copy and paste that new url between the "++ pdflink" and "pdflink ++" markup tags.
Slow link example -> 'https://acceptedinc.com/s/CLEP_biology_look_inside.pdf';
Fastest link example -> 'https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f7dcd5cf39b1d49d213d567/t/5fdc6ea8ef3da3664b201c58/1608281770980/CLEP_biology_look_inside.pdf'
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Code Block Spacer -> <p> </p>
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- - - - - - End of Instructions - - - - - - - -
++tab1Study Guidetab1++
++tab2 the TSItab2++
Overview and Information
++titleAbout the TSI Study Guidetitle++
++contentTSI Study Guide 2023-2024 includes everything you need to pass the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) the first time.
Quick review of the concepts covered on the TSI Assessment
2 practice tests with detailed answer explanations
1 inside + 1 online
Tips and tricks from experienced educators
Access to online flash cards, cheat sheets, and morecontent++
++titleLook Insidetitle++
++bookpdf bookpdf++
++titleAdditional Title Information title++
++contentTitle: TSI Study Guide 2024-2025: TSI Prep Book and Practice Exams for the Texas Assessment
Release Date: May 17, 2024
Length: 210 pages
ISBN: 9781637987292content++

Have questions about the TSI exam? Click below to find the answers you need.
++tableTop tableTop++ ++tableRow ++tableItem Getting Ready tableItem++ ++tableItem Taking the Exam tableItem++ ++tableItem After the Exam tableItem++ tableRow++ ++tableRow ++tableItem
++questionWhat is the TSI?question++
++questionWhat does TSI mean?question++
++questionIs the TSI test mandatory?question++
++questionHow is the TSI Administered?question++
++questionCan you take the TSI at home?question++ tableItem++ ++tableItem
++questionWhat’s on the TSI?question++
++questionWhat’s on the TSI exam?question++
++questionHow long is the TSI test?question++
++questionIs the TSI test difficult?question++
++questionHow can I pass the TSI?question++ tableItem++ ++tableItem
++questionWhen do I get my TSI scores?question++
++questionWhat is a good TSI score?question++
++questionCan you fail the TSI?question++ tableItem++ tableRow++
++answerWhat is the TSI?
The TSI assesses students’ abilities in reading, writing and mathematics, helping them prepare for college-level courses. These tests will help you and your academic advisors choose which classes are right for you as you get ready for academic work at the university level.answer++
++answerWhat does TSI mean?
TSI stands for Texas Success Initiative.answer++
++answerIs the TSI test mandatory?
All incoming college students in the state of Texas are required to take the TSI unless they have already met certain criteria, which include the following:
The student has met the minimum college readiness standard on the ACT, SAT, or other statewide test.
The student has already successfully completed college-level mathematics and English courses.
The student is not seeking a degree.
The student has been or is currently enlisted in the military.
The student has enrolled in a Level-One certificate program (with fewer than forty-three semester credit hours).answer++
++answerHow is the TSI Administered?
The TSI assessment is a multiple-choice test administered by computer. Each assessment—reading, writing, and mathematics—is taken separately.answer++
++answerCan you take the TSI at home?
Students must directly contact their college counseling office to arrange to take the TSI. Your institution’s test center will provide information about accommodation for disabilities, required identification or materials, and any options for taking the test remotely.
Test-takers must also complete a Pre-Assessment Activity. This mandatory activity explains the purpose and process of the TSI, provides practice questions and feedback, discusses developmental education options if you do not meet the cut-off scores for college readiness (see below), and offers other information about college resources.
You must contact the college where you plan to take the TSI to arrange to take the Pre-Assessment Activity.answer++
++answerWhat’s on the TSI?
The TSI exam is made up of three different assessments—reading, writing, and mathematics. Each assessment is taken and scored separately, but all are mandatory parts of the entire test.answer++
++answerWhat’s on the TSI exam?
The TSI assesses reading comprehension, writing, and mathematical skills. The questions are aligned with the Texas College and Career Readiness Standards, and gauge your readiness to tackle college-level coursework. Because the test is computer adaptive, you will encounter more difficult topics as you continue to correctly answer questions on the test.
++tableTitle What’s on the TSI? ++tableTop tableTop++ Mathematics Assessment (approx. 20 questions) tableTitle++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Elementary algebra and functions tableItem++ ++tableItem Operations with algebraic expressions; linear equations, inequalities, and systems; word problems tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Intermediate algebra and functions tableItem++ ++tableItem Quadratic and polynomial equations, expressions, and functions; working with powers, roots, and radicals; rational and exponential expressions, equations, and functions tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Geometry and measurement tableItem++ ++tableItem Plane geometry; linear, area, and three-dimensional measurements; symmetry and transformations tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Data analysis, statistics, and probability tableItem++ ++tableItem Data interpretation, statistics, probability tableItem++ table2Row++
++tableTitle Reading Assessment (approx. 24 questions) tableTitle++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Literary analysis tableItem++ ++tableItem Identifying and analyzing elements and ideas in literary texts tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Main idea and supporting details tableItem++ ++tableItem Identifying the main ideas and supporting ideas of a passage; identifying details in a passage tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Inferences in a text or texts tableItem++ ++tableItem Appropriately connecting ideas between two passages; comparing two passages; drawing inferences about a single passage tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Author’s use of language tableItem++ ++tableItemIdentifying the author’s purpose, tone, use of language, organization, and rhetorical strategies; using evidence to determine the meaning of words in context tableItem++ table2Row++
++tableTitle Writing Assessment (approx. 20 multiple-choice questions) tableTitle++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Essay revision tableItem++ ++tableItem Improving organization, coherence, word choice, and rhetorical effectiveness; using evidence tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Agreement tableItem++ ++tableItem Performing subject-verb agreement, pronoun agreement; determining verb tenses tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Sentence structure tableItem++ ++tableItem Determining and resolving errors in punctuation and sentence structure tableItem++ table2Row++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Sentence logic tableItem++ ++tableItem Properly placing and using transitions and modifying clauses in sentences tableItem++ table2Row++
++tableTitle Writing (300 – 600 word essay) tableTitle++ ++table2Row ++tableItem Essay tableItem++ ++tableItem Effective, organized writing with supported and well-developed ideas, strong sentence structure, and few mechanical errors, following the conventions of Standard English tableItem++ table2Row++ answer++
++answerHow long is the TSI test?
The writing assessment also includes one essay of 300 – 600 words. None of the assessments are timed. You may stop, save your work, and complete the assessment at a later date; however, you must complete the assessment within fourteen days.answer++
++answerIs the TSI test difficult?
The separate mathematics, writing, and reading assessments are computer adaptive. That is, they adapt to the student’s skill level: a student’s response to a question determines the difficulty level of the next one. If you answer a question correctly, the next one will be harder. However, answering a question incorrectly yields an easier question.answer++
++answerHow can I pass the TSI?
The best way to score high on the TSI is to study. Accepted, Inc., offers a TSI practice test with purchase of our TSI study guide. Our TSI test prep includes specific materials for each assessment. You can focus on the subjects you need the most help with. For example, take a TSI reading practice test to find out what concepts you need to review. We also have a TSI math study guide in our prep book.answer++
++answerWhen do I get my TSI scores?
You receive the assessment results immediately upon completion.answer++
++answerWhat is a good TSI score?
The TSI is a diagnostic assessment. So the Texas Coordinating Board has determined cut-off scores for college readiness. Check with the Texas Education Agency for details, because these change from year to year.
The essay is scored on a scale of 8 – 0 based on clarity of purpose, organization, coherence and focus, demonstration of critical thinking, strength of argument and development, sentence variety, style, and proper use of mechanics (grammar and punctuation).
Depending on how you score, you may be asked to test further. The questions on each assessment cover four different content areas, or strands. If you score below a certain threshold in one or more strands, you will be asked to answer more questions in that content area in order to best gauge your preparation for college-level coursework. These additional questions are part of the DE Diagnostic Test. Depending on your DE Diagnostic results, you may be asked to answer more questions as part of the Adult Basic Education (ABE) Tests, which also include reading, writing, and mathematics diagnostics. This process will help you and your advisors target any specific areas for improvement, ensuring you are absolutely ready for college.answer++
++answerCan you fail the TSI?
The TSI is a diagnostic assessment; as such, there is no way to pass or fail it.answer++